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We are running out of space...

Despite the fact that we are decreasing the number of traditional coffin burial and converting to cremation, there still needs a space for the cremation urn to be displayed on land.

​Traditional coffin burial takes approximately 21.48 sq ft




The same total area is used for displaying cremation urns.

(Not including depth of coffin or headstone area)

​With statistics that promise cremation as one of the most prominent burial methods (especially coastal states), there is an opportunity to pick a city to promote alternatives of taking care of cremated ashes.

Eternal Reefs

Green Burial Alternative

This burial alternative mixes cremated ashes with cement to create coral-like structures to be placed at currently deterioriating coral-reefs. Not only does this process help with alleviating traditional burial burdens on land, it also helps create life for creatures.


This project was designed for educational purposes only and may not reflect the plans and values of the Eternal Reefs.

Our current burial trends are overwhelming us and nature.

No More Space exhibition emphasizes the cause and effect phenomenon and advocates sustainable burial alternatives for one to leave a responsible legacy.













Humans often feel that issues regard only others


Abstracting the look of the wave, this exhibition space expresses Eternal Reef



Birth, death, decomposition, rebirth are all part of this ongoing cycle



We need to experience a cramped space, representing our overloaded planet at our

​scale and through confined space, we can appreciate open space​



This project tries to get in touch with the most inner emotions of each person




​The burial decision we make now will affect our next generation​

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